SKROL is on a mission to modernize the backbone of the global economy by acquiring and transforming small and medium sized businesses globally.
SMBs aren't
just businesses
They're the lifeblood of our economy, creating jobs and opportunities for independence and growth.
Without them, we lose the heartbeat of our communities. And their potential for ongoing progress.
Industry growth
in next 5 years
SMBs fail due
to cashflow issues
People employed
by small businesses
in the US
SMBs worldwide,
99% of all businesses
Baby boomers
retiring daily
Years old own
about 50% of small
Modernizing small businesses is the challenge of a lifetime
SMBs fail due
to cashflow issues
Owners says digitalization is
too expensive (McKinsey)
SMBs struggle to find
enough people to interview
and hire
Fast Growth
Our goal is to apply the learnings from scaling high growth tech startups to profitable, sustainable and established businesses and help them grow fast.
Value Creation
We believe that substantial value creation is possible by equipping traditional businesses with the right human and financial capital.
Founded by some of Europe’s most successful entrepreneurs who created over $300m in ARR, and over $1bn+ in equity value and debt raised.
Ready to talk?
A conversation could be the start of a long-term partnership
Contact us
SKROL Capital, Inc.
1101 Brickell Avenue
South Tower, 8th Floor
Miami, FL 33131